Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tomorrow our son is stepping to 10 month

Tomorrow, on 2011 February 24, our son is stepping to 10th month. Physically he gains the weight of 9 kilogram. His gums are swollen and his first tooth seems to appear after some days. He enjoys playing with ball, doll and toys and he can roll and throw a ball well. He enjoys seeing rolling and bouncing ball.

He can crawl well on his hands and knees, with his limbs straight and their trunk parallel to the floor. At this age, he can sit confidently and sometimes stand with our support for sometimes. He can control his fingers more precisely. He is able to pick up a small object with his thumb-and-finger. One day he took a tiny piece of plastic piece (hard one with sharp edge) and put into his mouth. It choked him and His mother took it out from his mouth. Actually we have to be very much careful about such things as he tries to taste everything, almost everything.

He has started enjoying his child care. He spends around 7 to 8 hours in his child care. He enjoys being with other kids and staffs over there.

Now a days he understands the meaning of "no." He says "mama" or "baba" and he expresses with gestures and sounds instead of cries. Actually he has become a chatterbox. We and our family members enjoy talking with him a lot. He has learnt waving his hands when other say bye bye.

Similarly he enjoys listening and watching rhymes like Humpty Dumpty, Five Little Monkeys, Ba Ba Black Sheep, Ding Dong Bell, Rain Rain Go Away, Merry This Old Man, Jonny Jonny Yes Papa on the Laptop.