Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He enjoys watching everything around

Photo taken around a coffee shop, during 11th month, while we were returning home from his day care. He is enjoying the surrounding scenario. He just like to roam here and there and watch the things around.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our son is stepping to 11th month

Day Before yesterday, on 2011 March 26, our son stepped to 11th month. Physically he has gained the weight of 10 kgs and ...... ft height. A teeth has emerged on his gum, so he didn't fell well this month and he didn't enjoy having food as before. Now a days he can stand by himself holding on something. And he loves this skill so much that he used to refuse to sit down. Because of this mobility he has fallen to several minor accidents even though we are watching him carefully.

We have tried to teach him hold crayons and he did but he is not been able to make scribbles or marks. While reading for him, he shows an interest in turning the pages in books, although it won't be just one page at a time! And now a days he responds to his name We think he has understood the meaning behind Mama and Baba. While feeding him, he wants to hold spoon and put it into his mouth. Actually he wants to do everything we do, and he tries so but he wants to do it in his own way. If he doesn't get chance for that he cries and screams.

He likes to look at pictures in Picture Books. And we are mainly teaching him about animals and the sounds they produce.

He wakes up early in the morning and the first thing he wants to do is sit on his potty and poo.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Our son has started to stand and walk

Our son is at 10th month. He has started to stand with support. He can stand if we hold his hands or he holds onto the furniture. Together with crawling he has started to walk on his limbs. Now a days he can sit comfortable and poo on his pot comfortably.
He has learnt some symbols and its meaning behind it, like when we say "bye, bye" he waves his hand, when we say "All is well" he pats his hands on his chest. Similarly he can say "NO" and shakes his head from side to side. He knows our approval or disapproval for his acts. Like when we shout or scold him, he just cries and when we appreciate him, he enjoys and shows his smile at us and hugs us. He also shows his jealousy when we hold other kids. He seems very much moody and upsets easily when we act he doesn't want.
This month, we tried to let him scribble, but he enjoys playing with crayons rather than scribbling.