Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our son is 17 months old

Day before yesterday on 12 kartik, 2068 (29 October 2011), our son is 17 months old. Physically he has gained the weight of 10.6 kg and he is 2 ft and 6 inches tall.

He is becoming a proficient walker. He tries to kick a ball, though he won't always be successful. He likes to dance if we play music or there is some musical program running on tv .

He seems busy imitating our conversations he hears and tries them out. Besides "Mama" and "Dada," favorite words include "bye-bye," "De De," - (his mother's milk), "Ti Tit," - (vehicles), "Hapu,"-(Lunch) "Hajur,"-(Yes) "Hunna,"-(sound of machines) "Na,"-(take it and give me) "Changa,"-(kite) "Jhanda,"-(flair) "Aanda papa,"-(egg) "Che che,"-(mice) "Mun,"-(moon) "pant,"-(Plant) hatti,"-(elephant) fiz,"-(fridge) "tar,"-(star) and "Aana,"-(there). He can link some two words together to form simple sentences — sentences without linking verbs or other connecting words, like "Baba Hapu" (Baba this is lunch or come for lunch), "Babu aana" (he wants to go there), "Mama de de"(mama I want mikl) "Hapu ham"(eat rice).

It seems he has begun to realize that every toy, every animal, every person, everything, has a name. He can show the real moon on the sky and when we read for him he shows the moon on the book. Similarly he can link real dog with the dog on the book, real kite and kite on the book.

He is becoming stubborn and shows terrible tantrums. When he doesn't want to do something, he often throws himself on the floor and kicks his arms and legs.