Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Our son is 55 months old.

Few days back on December 27, 2014 (Poush 12, 2071) our son was 55 months old.
This month he started reading simple English story books. He used his phonics skills to sound our the words. He still needs some help on that. Regarding Nepali book, he just sound out the stories. He actually doesn't recognize the letters yet he reads the stories based on his memories as he listened to those stories so many times.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Our son is 54 months old

About a week back on November 28, 2014 (Mangsir12, 2071) our son was 54 months old.
As i remained out of the valley for about three weeks I didn't get much time to watch and write about him.
This month, he learned how to write his name (both in Nepali and English), wear and take off his shoes.