Sunday, January 31, 2016

Saman is seven months old

Two days back on Magh 16, 2072 (January 30, 2016) Saman was seven months old. This month on Magh 15, 2072 (Jan 29, 2016), we celebrated his "pasne" (i.e. declared to be able to take solid food).
This month, He has learn some interesting skills. He can roll his body and tries to move with the help of his hand and tummy (though he can't). He enjoys roaming outside rather than staying home.
While taking tea, he enjoys taking it with us on my cup. He has started responding us (not verbally) but he is trying to speak (not yet able to do so). He smiles at us and others frequently.
Some nights, he doesn't sleep well because of which we too don't get the proper sleep.
His elder brother Saumy, enjoys being with him and plays nicely with him.
This month, he had a bad diarrhea and vomiting. He couldn't eat anything and after medication he felt so hungry that he ate the food like he had never eaten. The video is about that.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Saman is six months old.

Yesterday on Poush 16, 2072 (December 31, 2015), Saman was six months old. I couldn't write about his fifth month because I was out of the country. I was in Israel for some training course. So writing about him today.
He can turn his body and roll on the bed. He smiles at us. Moreover he cries a lot and he does this during nights. Because of which we generally don't have full sleep.
He enjoys oil massage and sun bath.