Sunday, February 12, 2017

Saman is 19 months old

About two weeks back on magh 16, 2073 (January 29, 2017), saman was 19 months old.
He has become a chatter box. He speaks in such a way that sometimes we get irritated. He speaks 2 words sentences a lot and sometimes he speaks a whole sentence also. His language is like "baba nana" (father's dresses), "babu nana" (his dresses), "babu chea" (He wants tea), "babu dudu" (He wants milk), "babu papa" (He wants to eat),"babu hammaa" (he eat something),and whole sentences like "babu chichi hamma" (he eats meat), "babu bum bum woneu" (he wants to ride on bike) "babu nunu yau" (he wants to sleep), "babu ghumi ghumi woneu" (he wants to go for visit), and so on. Similarly he enjoys saying names of different things like "hatthi" (elephant), "kag" (crow), "chea" (tea),"dudu" (milk),"hatthi" (elephant), "bol" (ball),, etc. Now a days he is very good at saying "NO".
He recognizes his body parts well like "mikha" (eye), "tuti" (let), "laha" (hand), "mhutu" (mouth), "Pwa" (tummy), "pyo" (bum), etc and he tries to relate different clothings to body parts like cap on head, shirt on body, shocks on legs, etc.
Similarly he enjoys reading a lot. He has learned animal with their sounds like crow - caw, rat - che che, goat - maaa, cow - baaaa, dog - bow bow, duck - quack quack, etc.
He follows simple directions like baby close the door, bring me the water and so on.
It seems he wants independence as he loves to have lunch by himself, and copy whatever we do.
He loves playing with his brother a lot.
He is stubborn now a days. whatever he wish, we have to fulfill his wish otherwise he become bully and throw things here and there and screams on us.