Monday, February 23, 2015

Our son is 57 months old

 Today on Feburary 24, 2015 (Falgun 12, 2071) our son is 57 months old. We've given him Ipad again and initially he was using it in schedule, but not a days he has almost forgotten the schedule. We have to remind him the time of using the ipad. He still enjoys watching Peppa Pig on it, Peppa Pig is his favorite cartoon.
This month we found him a bit more stubborn. He wants the things his own way, if not he just remain silent and didn't respond. We are trying to find the solution for it.
He has learned numbers up to 31. In nepali he has learned almost all matras and words with matras. He still enjoys reading stories as usual.
This month he attained Bal Sahitya Mahotsav in Rato Bangala School, he enjoyed the festival. Among different activities, he enjoyed bubble making a lot.

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