Sunday, May 1, 2016

Saman is 10 months old

Few days back on Baishak 16, 2072 (April 28, 2016) Saman was ten months old.
He enjoys playing with ball, doll and toys and he can roll and throw a ball well. He enjoys seeing rolling and bouncing ball. He enjoys pushing his toy car making the sound.
He can climb the low table and tries to climbs the bed, but he cannot. At this age, he can sit confidently and sometimes stand with our support for sometimes. He can control his fingers more precisely. He is able to pick up a small object with his thumb-and-finger.
He loves tasting different things almost everything.
He has started enjoying his child care. He spends around 5 hours in his child care. He enjoys being with other kids and staffs over there.
Now a day he understands the meaning of "no." Actually he has become a chatterbox. We and our family members enjoy talking with him a lot.
He wakes up early in the morning and makes others to wake up too. 
We have started reading to him; it seemed he loves being read. 

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