Sunday, September 4, 2016

Samam is 14 month old

Few days back on Bhadr 16, 2072 (September 1, 2016), Saman was 14 months old. Physically he is 10 kg in weight and and about 2 ft tall.
Now days, he loves to chat and to listen to words, so we keep on talking to him about everything. He knows the names of our family members, and his toys.
He tries to signal his wishes to us without crying, by showing his hat when he wants to go out, or a toy that he wants to play. He has become a chatterbox, though he doesn't speak word properly, he just makes sounds which have meaning. Few words which he can speak are Baba, Mama, Teddy, taxi, etc. He knows a lot about his belongings. He loves his hat a lot.
This month he has grown 7 teeth.

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