Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Saman is 2 years old.

On ashad 25, 2074 (July 9, 2017) saman was 2 years old according to lunar calendar. We celebrated his 2 years birthday celebration.
Till now he has learned so many things. He has started speaking newari language, his nepali is preeti good. He loves being read aloud. His favorite books are माला, डोजर, जुङ्गा, and hungry caterpillar. He has build a big interest in vehicles, he loves watching vehicles and excavators in work. He watches vehicles in his ipad. He somehow has become addicted to screen, specially ipad.
He has become a chatterbox and loves asking questions a lot. He wants to help us in whatever we do. We can ask him for small helps like saman can you please bring the water for us, he does.
He has become little stubborn, he wants something, and he need to get it, otherwise he shows his anger by banging his head on the wall and floor.

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